Sunday, September 7, 2008

Poll has come to an end.

The poll is over and here is the results:

Do you believe people are good?
2pts (7%)

What do you believe Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means?
4pts (15%)

If you were elected to be leader of a foreign country
tomorrow, what country would you want it to be and what
would be your first offcial act?
5pts (19%)

If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
7pts (26%)

Who do you think is better Ninjas or Pirates?
9pts (33%)

So the winning Question is:

Who do you think is better Ninjas or Pirates?

This will be the main question that I'll be asking people but I will also be asking the runner up question:

If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

Now it depends on the people that I interview on which question will be shown in the thesis. I'll be picking the most interesting one out of the two. Wish them luck as they enter the next elimination trial that is coming up real soon.

Thank you to all my 27 voters who helped me narrow it down to these two questions.


Also for those that are into Pirates and Ninjas here's a video to show how popular this topic is :)

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