Friday, September 12, 2008


Milestone 1:
Vocals, Sound composited together, storyboards, animatics, character sketches, character modeling started

Milestone 2:
Character modeling, roadkill, coloration, blend shapes, test animations, backgrounds, props, placement of props lighting the scene, test renders

Milestone 3:
Characters in their background camera settings (angles, motion), animating, test rendering

Milestone 4:
Render Time, After Effects, Composite sound with movie

Milestone 5:
Tests complete, fixes complete, ending credits, finished animation

1 comment:

KipMcSkipster said...

Jen, in the interest of having some completed animation by the end of the year, you might consider staggering the modelling/rigging a bit. In other words, don't build all your models up front but maybe do half the characters (with their corresponding environments), then animate, then if you have time build and animate the other half. You could do all the preproduction - sketching for all characters, animatics for all sequences, all the audio - but do the production of one half at a time. Consider this option.