Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bird Head with finished colors

Birds feet with fully colored

Ferret's world

Down below is the world that the ferret will be in . The blank plane in the back is going to have an image on it that will resemble a ferrets cage and the out side world. The circle thing in the left hand side is a ferret wheel. The ground is a little lifted indicating the cyder that is in there which will also be textured. I was thinking for the closer up part of the land scape to actually have some cyder chunks. Coloration will soon be under way and will be done in no time.

Ferret's legs?

My friend had just stated that the ferrets legs might be too long...I think she might be right...What do you guys think? Should I change the legs of the ferret? It shouldn't be too hard to change them any whose but I wanted to know some thoughts (at the moment the ferret is on its toes and will be able to go on its full flat feet when its up right heres a few pics of ferrets and again the pic of my ferret:

My ferret

Front View of the ferret

A side view of the ferret with its feet flat on the ground

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Parrot's shipp

Down below is the remodeled tug boat to have some pirate aspects. A lot of the technical stuff was deleted and then replaced with other things such as the boat now has sails and instead of the cabin being in the middle and looking in our time of day they have a captains cabin with the steering wheel on top of it.

Far off view

This will most likely be the parrots view so this is going to be what you see in the background. A picture of the sky will be added as well.

Boat for the bird

Down below is a boat that I will be using for the birds scene...I did not create the boat but I will be fixing it up and giving it texture to make it look more like a pirate boat then just an old tug boat. (I'm doing this because this will save me time on modeling every single thing and just focus on the main thing---> the animals and their motion)

The Boat (soon to be pirate ship)


Down below is the newest character creation...The Ferret.... This is her blocky state of course and still needing some finishing touches around the mouth area. Just like the parrot she still need eyes but that is not a hard thing to add in. So thus far I have the parrot ready and the ferret on its way....meaning I have one character siding with the pirates (parrot) and one character siding with the ninjas (ferret). So I have even amount at this moment. (Yay!)
Anywho with out further delay here's the pics....:

Ferret front View

Ferret Side View

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The Bird with basic colors....I'm still adding some highlights and shadows to the bird to give it more color.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In these videos it's just the Parrot moving his lips.
The order that he's doing this is in:

(MmBbPp) (Ll) (FfVv) (CcDdGgKkNnRrSsTHthYyZz) (Oo) (UuWwQq) (Ee) (AaIi)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wings in the making...!

The bird wings underway. This is the over view of the bird with its wings being created.

Bird wings with the lines.

Here's the pic that was helping me to make the bird wing design.

Bird before wing development

The bird body with it's head now attached and the wings started

The bird on the non-smooth side with its lines showing. (wing is in the process of being built)

The front of the bird showing both smooth and non-smooth with line work.
(wings will be done shortly)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here's the redone bird's front view.....the beak is shorter (the top lip used to go down farther over the bottom lip) also the bottom lip is wider so I'm hoping that the bird will be able to pronounce some of the sounds better such as "Oooo"

Here's the front of the redone bird in wire frame.
The side view is where you can tell deff. the beak is comparing with the other pictures.

Here's the wire frame of the side view of the bird.

::Note:: The head should be added to the body real soon and pictures of that will be on it's way ::Note End::

Parrot's Head...

The Bird Head!

The Smoothed side of the parrot's head.

Side view of the bird head (in the mouth **beak** there is a tongue)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Animatic...:

Here's the newer version of the animatic (nothing in the pictures really have changed but the snakes voice is louder)

::NOTE:: For the Ferret there will be a wheel behind here where another ferret will be running in circles, at points the ferret will trip and then start going in circles because the wheel has scooped him/her up.

All what is behind the parrot and the pirate is going to be a sunset while she's talking the pirate i the background motion for her :)

For the snake the little hand in his grasp will trying to get out and then mocking the snake during his speech. The background of the snake will be a grassy area. The activity in the background will be a few mice looking in and out of the grass, one is terribly upset about the one that is caught but fear the snake too much to actually help their friend.

For the dog he's in a jail like place giving his speech. Jailers have their hands out try to persuade the dog to them to get the key around his neck. One jailer has a bone and taunts the dog that way but gives up and tosses it to the dog. ::NOTE END::

Bird's feet:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

some pics of the progress of the models:

So far the Bloodhound and the Parrot has been started.

Here is the blood hound body. As of yet it has no head (making that a different object and then attaching it later.

Here is the bloodhound body thus far when it's smoothed the tail and legs will be a little thicker.

Here is the Parrot. I will be deleting the head and recreating it, with the same process as the bloodhound.

Here is what the bird looks when smoothed. It still needs to get its wings so that is in the process next.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ferret Front view

Here is another character sketch. This is the ferret. She was not shown in the video because she was amongst the work in progress. She's going to have the first voice which is on the clip.

Bird Side Character Sketch

Here's the sketch of the bird character's side view! :)

Bird Front Character sketch

Here's a character sketch of one of the characters that will be featured in the piece. I'll be getting a side view also made up real soon.

::other characters on their way to be produced in the their sketches::

In the process:....Animatic

A shorter animatic. My favorite few are in the beginning. I mixed up the voices as well so it's like this:

and so forth.

I chopped up a few of the clips and will be doing some more cutting later. So far though I I like the first few and some of the after ones (especially the rabbit ^_^ the comment is classic)
But...I have shorten the clip (not much TT__TT 3:19 to 2:57....but hey it's a start :) and some of the voices might not even be in it).

Friday, September 19, 2008

Here are most of the voices that I have captured I will be choosing out of these and then shortening them to where I see fit.

Some of the pictures that you will see are what the voice may have as its character. The turtle however is just a place holder until I am able to figure out what I want that person to be :)

Have any questions or comments on this just post :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Little Help Needed!

I need help matching up a voice to an animal counter part. Here's the voice:

I already know that I would like him to be a dog but the thing that I need help deciding on is what dog would look best for this voice.

There's two options to choose from:

Cairn Terrier(thought maybe funny to look at a small dog with such a deep voice)

or the Blood Hound (the voice just matches this dog because of how low and deep it is)

I did think about the Chihuahua because it would be unexpected but the dog really doesn't look like it would fit with that voice so I decided against it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Voices Thus Far

So far I have collected a few of my friends vocals I'm hoping to be able to collect most of them by the end of this week to work on animatics and composing the vocals together....

Here's a little avi that I've came up with, with one of my friends quotes that she had said during her interview....

Friday, September 12, 2008


Milestone 1:
Vocals, Sound composited together, storyboards, animatics, character sketches, character modeling started

Milestone 2:
Character modeling, roadkill, coloration, blend shapes, test animations, backgrounds, props, placement of props lighting the scene, test renders

Milestone 3:
Characters in their background camera settings (angles, motion), animating, test rendering

Milestone 4:
Render Time, After Effects, Composite sound with movie

Milestone 5:
Tests complete, fixes complete, ending credits, finished animation

Thursday, September 11, 2008


As of now I'm looking for voices that I can use for my project. Thus far I'm just going to be going up to people I know and ask their opinion and to give their answers. For some people (like a few teachers) I'm sending them e-mails to see if they're interested in participating. If you have a friend that would believes he should be heard and would like to help out just post and we'll set up a time for a meeting for the interview.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some Animal Ideas

I'm just listing some animal ideas that would fit into the subject. If you have any ideas on what animal you think could be in the production please don't hesitate and just post :)

-Note: Not all the animals here listed will be in the production this is only for idea base only-

Some animal ideas in the making::

Panda Bear
dog w/key
Rat >image coming soon<
Squirrel >image coming soon<
Raccoon >image coming soon<

::More to Come Real Soon::

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Poll has come to an end.

The poll is over and here is the results:

Do you believe people are good?
2pts (7%)

What do you believe Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means?
4pts (15%)

If you were elected to be leader of a foreign country
tomorrow, what country would you want it to be and what
would be your first offcial act?
5pts (19%)

If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
7pts (26%)

Who do you think is better Ninjas or Pirates?
9pts (33%)

So the winning Question is:

Who do you think is better Ninjas or Pirates?

This will be the main question that I'll be asking people but I will also be asking the runner up question:

If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

Now it depends on the people that I interview on which question will be shown in the thesis. I'll be picking the most interesting one out of the two. Wish them luck as they enter the next elimination trial that is coming up real soon.

Thank you to all my 27 voters who helped me narrow it down to these two questions.


Also for those that are into Pirates and Ninjas here's a video to show how popular this topic is :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Revised Pitch

This will be a short ,few seconds each, clip that will add up to about 60 seconds long when finished. I will be interviewing a few people in the real world with a question and they will answer with their thoughts on the topic. The interviewers will range from young and old for different variety in the audio. Mainly, this will be a slight comedy to where I'll match my interviewers with simple, exaggerated portion, 3D animal counter parts who will do the talking for them. The animal counter parts will be giving a simple back drop, so not to take away but to enhance the focal point, which is the animal and its answer.

For example:
A parrot is being interviewed on a pirate's shoulder, who's back is facing towards the audience. While the parrot gives his interview, ever so often the pirate tries to feed the parrot a cracker and with that the parrot each time pushes the cracker away annoyed.

This will then be produced in a video format to view and along with that some still shots of the character designs.