Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here's the redone bird's front view.....the beak is shorter (the top lip used to go down farther over the bottom lip) also the bottom lip is wider so I'm hoping that the bird will be able to pronounce some of the sounds better such as "Oooo"

Here's the front of the redone bird in wire frame.
The side view is where you can tell deff. the beak is comparing with the other pictures.

Here's the wire frame of the side view of the bird.

::Note:: The head should be added to the body real soon and pictures of that will be on it's way ::Note End::


BloodRayne3301 said...

The parrots head is looking good it looks it will animate nicely.

KipMcSkipster said...

Jen - very nice modeling. Small details like the nostrils COULD be done in ZB then exported as a displacement.

mike_deleppo said...

good job jen it looks like it is going to come out great

abl1981 said...

have you though about how you want to color the bird.

abl1981 said...

The modeling looks good.