Thursday, August 28, 2008

3rd Idea is the Winner

Ok, I've thought about it and had listened to many suggestions inside and outside of the class and I have come to the conclusion to do the third choice that I had posted up.

So I will be doing interviews with people on a subject. The subject, I have a few choices to pick out of but not sure what can be a good choice to where I will get different answers from. I will of course be asking people of all different ages to get different vocal variety.

Some of my subjects are:

1.) Would you agree or disagree that publication on the internet is legit?

2.) What is your thoughts on lab animals?

3.) What is better Ninjas or Pirates?

4.) If you were able to go back in time where would you go? and why?

5.)If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

What do you guys think? Like any of them or have a different idea?


KipMcSkipster said...

Jen, some thoughts on your ideas:

1. I suspect this might be too complex a subject for an animated short

2. Could work, although what I like about the original concept (esp the Nick Park pieces) is that the subjects people are talking about have nothing to do with animals, which is funny and ironic given that it's animals who are in the animations.

3. Not my favorite - I would recommend a more "real-world" topic, which could still be something fun

4. Pretty good

5. Also pretty good

So, 3-5 are all fictional topics, which piled on the fiction of having talking animals probably makes for a less successful concept. What do others think?

BloodRayne3301 said...

I like the ninja vs pirate question the responses should be interesting and more fun to animate.
I also like the superpower question that could be fun for the people being interviewed. that question kind of reminds me of the opening of the incredibles.