Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A few Ideas....

Here are some ideas that I have thought about to do for my thesis:

1.) Create a short clip with my character ChawChaw moving. This would consist of a short story with only him as the only character. There is no dialog only him moving. The scene would pre-made, a download off line so that I can focus more on the animation aspects of my model and making sure that he works to a "T". I would however have to make the props that I would need. The story would be a story that I had written up in my concept development class, two years ago.

2.) Another idea would be to just work with maya fur. I would create a few different models of different animals and give them fur to match. If possible (if I was going down this route) I would like to be able to make the fur dynamic and do something such as this person had done:

3.) For a last resort idea I would do short animations which would deal around interviews that I would give people. I would give them models that would represent them or the subject that they are talking on. Kinda around the same ideas as the T.V. show Creature Comforts:

These are the three ideas that I have came up with and will hopefully pursue for my thesis.


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