Thursday, August 28, 2008

3rd Idea is the Winner

Ok, I've thought about it and had listened to many suggestions inside and outside of the class and I have come to the conclusion to do the third choice that I had posted up.

So I will be doing interviews with people on a subject. The subject, I have a few choices to pick out of but not sure what can be a good choice to where I will get different answers from. I will of course be asking people of all different ages to get different vocal variety.

Some of my subjects are:

1.) Would you agree or disagree that publication on the internet is legit?

2.) What is your thoughts on lab animals?

3.) What is better Ninjas or Pirates?

4.) If you were able to go back in time where would you go? and why?

5.)If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

What do you guys think? Like any of them or have a different idea?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A few Ideas....

Here are some ideas that I have thought about to do for my thesis:

1.) Create a short clip with my character ChawChaw moving. This would consist of a short story with only him as the only character. There is no dialog only him moving. The scene would pre-made, a download off line so that I can focus more on the animation aspects of my model and making sure that he works to a "T". I would however have to make the props that I would need. The story would be a story that I had written up in my concept development class, two years ago.

2.) Another idea would be to just work with maya fur. I would create a few different models of different animals and give them fur to match. If possible (if I was going down this route) I would like to be able to make the fur dynamic and do something such as this person had done:

3.) For a last resort idea I would do short animations which would deal around interviews that I would give people. I would give them models that would represent them or the subject that they are talking on. Kinda around the same ideas as the T.V. show Creature Comforts:

These are the three ideas that I have came up with and will hopefully pursue for my thesis.
