Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bird Head with finished colors

Birds feet with fully colored

Ferret's world

Down below is the world that the ferret will be in . The blank plane in the back is going to have an image on it that will resemble a ferrets cage and the out side world. The circle thing in the left hand side is a ferret wheel. The ground is a little lifted indicating the cyder that is in there which will also be textured. I was thinking for the closer up part of the land scape to actually have some cyder chunks. Coloration will soon be under way and will be done in no time.

Ferret's legs?

My friend had just stated that the ferrets legs might be too long...I think she might be right...What do you guys think? Should I change the legs of the ferret? It shouldn't be too hard to change them any whose but I wanted to know some thoughts (at the moment the ferret is on its toes and will be able to go on its full flat feet when its up right heres a few pics of ferrets and again the pic of my ferret:

My ferret

Front View of the ferret

A side view of the ferret with its feet flat on the ground

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Parrot's shipp

Down below is the remodeled tug boat to have some pirate aspects. A lot of the technical stuff was deleted and then replaced with other things such as the boat now has sails and instead of the cabin being in the middle and looking in our time of day they have a captains cabin with the steering wheel on top of it.

Far off view

This will most likely be the parrots view so this is going to be what you see in the background. A picture of the sky will be added as well.

Boat for the bird

Down below is a boat that I will be using for the birds scene...I did not create the boat but I will be fixing it up and giving it texture to make it look more like a pirate boat then just an old tug boat. (I'm doing this because this will save me time on modeling every single thing and just focus on the main thing---> the animals and their motion)

The Boat (soon to be pirate ship)


Down below is the newest character creation...The Ferret.... This is her blocky state of course and still needing some finishing touches around the mouth area. Just like the parrot she still need eyes but that is not a hard thing to add in. So thus far I have the parrot ready and the ferret on its way....meaning I have one character siding with the pirates (parrot) and one character siding with the ninjas (ferret). So I have even amount at this moment. (Yay!)
Anywho with out further delay here's the pics....:

Ferret front View

Ferret Side View

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The Bird with basic colors....I'm still adding some highlights and shadows to the bird to give it more color.