Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wings in the making...!

The bird wings underway. This is the over view of the bird with its wings being created.

Bird wings with the lines.

Here's the pic that was helping me to make the bird wing design.

Bird before wing development

The bird body with it's head now attached and the wings started

The bird on the non-smooth side with its lines showing. (wing is in the process of being built)

The front of the bird showing both smooth and non-smooth with line work.
(wings will be done shortly)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here's the redone bird's front view.....the beak is shorter (the top lip used to go down farther over the bottom lip) also the bottom lip is wider so I'm hoping that the bird will be able to pronounce some of the sounds better such as "Oooo"

Here's the front of the redone bird in wire frame.
The side view is where you can tell deff. the beak is comparing with the other pictures.

Here's the wire frame of the side view of the bird.

::Note:: The head should be added to the body real soon and pictures of that will be on it's way ::Note End::

Parrot's Head...

The Bird Head!

The Smoothed side of the parrot's head.

Side view of the bird head (in the mouth **beak** there is a tongue)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Animatic...:

Here's the newer version of the animatic (nothing in the pictures really have changed but the snakes voice is louder)

::NOTE:: For the Ferret there will be a wheel behind here where another ferret will be running in circles, at points the ferret will trip and then start going in circles because the wheel has scooped him/her up.

All what is behind the parrot and the pirate is going to be a sunset while she's talking the pirate i the background motion for her :)

For the snake the little hand in his grasp will trying to get out and then mocking the snake during his speech. The background of the snake will be a grassy area. The activity in the background will be a few mice looking in and out of the grass, one is terribly upset about the one that is caught but fear the snake too much to actually help their friend.

For the dog he's in a jail like place giving his speech. Jailers have their hands out try to persuade the dog to them to get the key around his neck. One jailer has a bone and taunts the dog that way but gives up and tosses it to the dog. ::NOTE END::

Bird's feet:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

some pics of the progress of the models:

So far the Bloodhound and the Parrot has been started.

Here is the blood hound body. As of yet it has no head (making that a different object and then attaching it later.

Here is the bloodhound body thus far when it's smoothed the tail and legs will be a little thicker.

Here is the Parrot. I will be deleting the head and recreating it, with the same process as the bloodhound.

Here is what the bird looks when smoothed. It still needs to get its wings so that is in the process next.